We envision only the quality education can improve the family and the nation. The young educated students are the backbone of a nation. Many of them are experiencing high scarcity of quality higher education. Therefore, send off proper students to proper foreign universities would benefit our nation.
Green Global & Training Center is delivering a truly global experience and helps you to think globally and compete strategically in any economy. Green Global & Training Center strongly contemplate that education entrepreneurship is not only a business rather it is a noble profession of serving the country and the globe thriving human resources as an asset instead of family and social burden to undertake the growing challenges of modern era. It is merely possible by one organization to fulfill those challenges and wider demands. Therefore, we look forward to the quality and high ranked international universities and institutions as our proud partner in this endeavor. Our partnership model is long-term which is aligning with our vision, mission and objectives. We can create a strong bondage each other.

We are working as a dedicated “Mason” to build our nation educated.
We truly apprehend “Together We Achieve MORE”


Green Global & Training Center (GTC) has been continuing its business operation in highly competitive market, GTC has to ensure implementation of service standard according to global demand to compete international market. As we are living in a global village where information technology has reached to excel level, higher study in abroad has become a common phenomenon for both elite class and middle class people in Bangladesh. Japan along with UK has opened its immigration door to welcome both professionals and international students to minimize labor gap since gap of working aged population is widening day by day due to negative birth rate in modern society. Japan & UK need working aged people to boost up its national economy whereas Bangladesh needs knowledge based population for social & economic development; Bangladesh can grab the opportunity for mutual benefits in long run. Strategic planning is a business activity that has major implications for an organization’s growth, given that it is the bridge between an organization’s high-level business strategy (e.g. vision, mission, over-arching strategy) and its annual financial planning activities. Without it, an organization is at risk of under-delivering on its vision and growth potential, as well as investing in “off-strategy” opportunities. The following guiding principles have been considered: Ensure there is clearly articulated over-arching strategy to implement;

Obtain visible and meaningful executive engagement;
Give strategic planning “teeth” by outlining financial consideration;
Collaborate and iterate with line management to ensure better planning and buy-in